Conducting “Use of the information and telecommunication system “State Information System of Education (DISO)” training sessions (Kyiv, May 13-16, 2019)
The training course entitled “Use of the information and telecommunication system “State Information System of Education (DISO)” was held during May 13-16, 2019 on the basis of the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center of students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This event was organized by the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Educational Analytics” (hereinafter – SSI “IEA”) in partnership with CIVITTA company (Ukraine). More than 200 people took part in this training, namely, authorized officials of the regional education authorities and Kyiv City State Administration, as well as representatives of local education authorities from all regions of Ukraine.
The main purpose of this training was to study and gain practical experience of working with the modernized information and telecommunication system “State Information System of Education” (hereinafter – DISO). DISO is a complex of software and hardware which through information and telecommunication technologies provide the creation of a single integrated information environment space in the sphere of general secondary education, receiving, processing and preparing information necessary for state-standard documents on general secondary education, as well as for education statistics collection (Regulation on the information and telecommunication system of the State Educational Institution “Institute of Educational Analytics “State Information System of Education” No.320 of March 24, 2014 ). In view of this, the role of invited persons participating in the training course had the following classification in the structure of DISO: 1 – Administrator of the city level of GSE / PE, 2 – Administrator of the regional level of GSE / PE, and 3 – Respondent of GSE / PE (GSE / PE – general secondary education / preschool education).
Sergiy Londar, Director of the SSI “IEA”, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences solemnly opened the event and congratulated the participants of the training. In his speech, Sergiy Londar emphasized the expediency of using the information and telecommunication support of DISO to obtain reliable and representative statistical information for the purpose of informed managerial decision-making, and consequently, effective implementation of educational reform in Ukraine. It is SSI “IEA” that coordinates the work on obtaining, processing and data storing in DISO in the context of districts, united territorial communities, cities and regions.
Further information on the functioning and practical capabilities of DISO was provided by Andrii Lytvynchuk, Deputy Director of the SSI “IEA”, Ph.D. in Economics. Thus, DISO is designed to assure the efficient management of education system, simplify document circulation of general educational institutions, optimize the formation of state statistical reporting in the system of general secondary education of Ukraine, etc. SSI “IEA”, as the owner and technical administrator of DISO, on the basis of information in the field of general secondary education provided by authorized representatives for compilation and submission of state statistical reporting, supports the transmission of data. In addition, it provides automation of compilation of mandatory state statistical reporting and other administrative and management processes at the level of education authorities and its further transfer to DISO.
During the next practical part of the meeting, the training participants had the opportunity to get familiar with the general view and site architecture. Also, they learn how to create and edit a new user profile, and how to submit and edit DISO forms. In addition, data analysis tools on the Metabase platform (requests, filtering, sorting and exporting of data) and the features for generating and formatting reports using Jasper soft reporter software were reviewed.
The conclusions of the workshop summarized learning outcomes and fruitful cooperation. The organizers of the training expressed gratitude to all participants for their active engagement in the meeting and invited for cooperation in the future.
More detailed information on DISO is available on the official website:
Governing documents:
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1068 of July 14, 2017 “On data collection to the information and telecommunication system “State information system of education” in the 2017–2018 academic year
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1054 of August 31, 2016 “On introduction into test operation the information and telecommunication system of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Educational Analytics” “State information system of education”
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1158 of September 27, 2016 “On approval of summary tables on general secondary education”