International Conference on Scientometrics and Bibliometrics “SBC KYIV 2019” (Kyiv, June 4, 2019)
On June 4, 2019, the International Conference on Scientometrics and Bibliometrics “SBC KYIV 2019” was held at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (hereinafter – MES). The organizer of the conference was the State Scientific-Technical Library of Ukraine (hereinafter – SSTL Ukraine) with the assistance of the MES and the American company Clarivate Analytics. The conference was attended by representatives of scientific institutions, managers, government officials, librarians, information specialists and all persons interested in the subject of scientific research assessment. Natalia Pron, a researcher of the Scientific and Organizational Department of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Educational Analytics” (hereinafter – SSI “IEA”), Ph.D. in Economics attended the conference as a representative of SSI “IEA”.
The conference covered a broad spectrum of topical issues related to the research in scientometrics and scientometric indicators, open access to scientific information, quantitative and qualitative approaches in the process of scientific research assessment, data sources for scientometric research, bibliometrics and others.
Maksym Strikha, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and Dmytro Cheberkus, Director General of the Directorate of Science of the MES delivered welcome speeches. In his speech, Maksym Strikha, highlighted the relevance of holding this conference, in view of integration of Ukraine’s scientific sphere into the world educational space and wished the participants a fruitful discussion. Continuing the introductory part of the conference, Dmytro Cheberkus focused on practical steps in the field of scientometrics in Ukraine. He reported that since June 1, 2019, more than 200 higher education institutions and scientific institutions have been granted access to Scopus and Web of Science electronic scientific databases at the expense of the state budget. It should be noted that SSTL Ukraine, on behalf of the MES, is authorized to provide higher education institutions and scientific institutions (at their request) with access to Scopus and Web of Science electronic scientific databases in order to develop scientific and technical potential, and increase the competitiveness of higher education institutions and scientific institutions, as well as rational use of sources (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 269 of February 27, 2019 “On approval of the procedure for providing access to higher education institutions and scientific institutions to electronic scientific databases”).
The SSI “IEA” is on the list of scientific institutions that have received free access to Scopus and Web of Science electronic scientific databases.
The next part of the conference was devoted to the reports of domestic and foreign scientists. In particular, Ludo Waltman, a Deputy Director of the Center for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University (Leiden, the Netherlands) in his speech spoke about the main achievements of scientometrics as an effective tool for evaluating the results of scientific researches. Olesya Mryglod, a Senior researcher of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. in Information Technologies (Lviv, Ukraine) in her presentation “L3 Group: the measured measurers” dwelled on the methodology of scientometrics and analysis of scientometrics indicators in more detail. The Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) was represented by Volodymyr Lazarev, who demonstrated the results of his study “Discipline impact factor and discipline susceptibility factor: some of the history”. Clarivate Analytics representative Jeff Clovis (Philadelphia, USA) spoke about open access to scientific materials and its influence on future scientific research.
Sergii Nazarovets, a Deputy Director of the SSTL Ukraine, Ph.D. in Social Communications provided closing remarks on the conference. He thanked the participants for comprehensive scientific reports, interesting discussion and invited to collaborate with SSTL Ukraine.
All presentation materials of the conference can be found on the official website of the SSTL Ukraine
Photo from Press Service of the MES