Participation in the 4th International Scientific Conference “Problems of information economy formation in Ukraine” (Lviv, 17-18 October 2019)
On October 17-18, 2019, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Department of Information Systems in Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (hereinafter – Ivan Franko LNU) the 4th International Scientific Conference “Problems of information economy formation in Ukraine” was held. The main organizers of this event were the Department of Information Systems in Management of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko LNU together with the Faculty of Management of the General Tadeusz Kosciushko Military University of Land Forces (Wroclaw, Poland).
The conference was attended by about 150 people, including researchers, teachers, graduate students, Master students, experts of research and design organizations, representatives of state and local governments, banks and commercial companies. Representatives of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Educational Analytics” (hereinafter – SSI “IEA”), namely, Sergiy Londar – Director of the SSI “IEA”, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Andrii Lytvynchuk – Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work, Ph.D. in Economics, Yuliia Irynevych – scientific researcher of the Department of technologies for the processing of statistical information, Ph.D. in Economics, Oleksandra Bryniuk – Assistant to Director, Svitlana Mazur – Head of the Sector and Liubov Sukharieva – Head of the Department, participated in the conference.
The meeting was opened with a welcome speech by the main speakers, namely: Volodymyr Melnyk – rector of the Ivan Franko LNU, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Gukaliuk Andrii – First Vice-Rector of the Ivan Franko LNU, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Rostyslav Mykhailyshyn – faculty dean of Economics of the Ivan Franko LNU, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor.
Director of the SSI “IEA” Sergiy Londar delivered a welcoming statement on behalf of the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Yuriy Polyukhovych.
The main purpose of the conference was to solve the following issues:
- summarizing the experience of building an information economy;
- problems identification in the development of the information economy in Ukraine;
- summarizing of usage experience of information resources in the economy, entrepreneurship, government, education, science;
- analysis of information technology development trends in knowledge economy conditions;
- analysis of mathematical modeling of the information economy processes.
In view of this, the conference consists of plenary and sectional sessions under such thematic areas:
- theoretical and methodological principles of information economics research;
- information and communication technologies in the management of socio-economic processes;
- mathematical methods and models in the study of economic systems;
- data mining tools in the economy;
- intellectual capital in the information society;
- theory and practice of information security in Ukraine and in the world.
The plenary sessions began with a report by the Director of the SSI “IEA” Sergiy Londar on the topic: “Development of Education Management Information Systems in Ukraine”, which outlined the current state and development trends of education information systems. An example of such an education information system is the Automated Information Complex of Educational Management (AIСOM), which was more fully described in the speech by Andrii Lytvynchuk, Deputy Director of the SSI “IEA”.
At the end of the event, the results of the conference were summed up, as well as recommendations were adopted. After the conference, a sightseeing tour was held for the guests-participants.
According to the results of the conference, the issue of the scientific journal «Formation of market economy in Ukraine» (scientific professional edition) is to be published at the beginning of January 2020.
The electronic version of the Collection of articles will be published on the website of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko LNU in the section “Science“.