Invitation to participate in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference «EDUCATION REFORM IN UKRAINE. INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT» (Kyiv, October 28, 2021)
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
State Scientific Institution «Institute of Educational Analytics»
Dear Colleagues!
We have a pleasure to invite you to participate in the
III International Scientific and Practical Conference
held on October 28th, 2021
at the SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics» (Kyiv, Ukraine)
The main purpose of the conference is to exchange knowledge and experience, the scientific discussion on finding solutions to the current problems of education and science, as well as the development of promising information and communication technologies for scientific and educational activities (including under quarantine restrictions), informing the scientific community about the latest achievements on these issues, promoting the search for a scientific partnership.
The form of participation in the conference is remote (distant). Electronic Collection of abstracts and a Conference participation certificate are free of charge. |
Conference Sections:
Section 1. | Education management |
Section 2. | Financial and economic aspects of education |
Section 3. | Development of information and educational technologies |
Section 4. | Inclusive education |
Section 5. | General secondary education |
Section 6. | Vocational education and pre-tertiary vocational education |
Section 7. | Higher education |
Section 8. | Adult education |
Section 9. | International educational space |
Regulations for participation in the conference:
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to send abstracts in the electronic form to the email address of the Conference Organizing Committee ( by October 22, 2021, as well as to fill in the participant’s application form. The file names must be signed according to the surname and initials of the conference participant (e. g., Surname, initials_abstracts, Surname, initials_application). In the subject of the letter, it is necessary to indicate the author’s name and section number (for example, “Surname_section 1”).
The Collection of abstracts and certificates in electronic form will be sent to the authors’ email addresses. The conference materials will also be available on the website of the SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics» under the heading «Materials of communication events». Separate reports on the willingness of the authors may be printed after completion in the journal «Educational Analytics of Ukraine».
Requirements for abstracts: the manuscripts are submitted in Ukrainian or English. The abstracts should not exceed 5 printed pages in A4 format, typed in MS Word, font “Times New Roman”, font size – 14, line spacing – 1,5, all margins – 2 cm each. In the text, all statistics, tables, figures should be supported by references to the numbers of sources from the bibliography, indicating the pages to which the author refers. References in the text are made in square brackets [1], all statistics, tables, figures must be supported by references to sources. The list of used sources is given in the order of reference in the text.
Placement of materials: in the upper right corner – the name of the conference section (font – italics); in the upper left corner – the author’s surname and name (font – bold); job position, the name of the institution where the author works/studies (font – italics), ORCID ID; in the center – the title of the abstract (capital letters, font – bold); thesis text; references used in the order of mention in the text. |
The Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not meet the requirements or the subject of the conference. Abstracts are not further edited; the author is responsible for the content and design of materials.
Conference calendar:
Information letter in Ukrainian and English.
For additional information please contact the Conference Organizing Committee: SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics» Address: 5 Volodymyra Vynnychenka str., Kyiv, Ukraine Conference email: Conference coordinators’ telephone: (096) 626-10-25 (Natalia Pron)
We wish all the participants success and hope for cooperation! |