Information and analytical materials

“Study on the implementation of the NUS reform in pilot educational institutions (basic school)”

The information and analytical materials derived from the findings of the second stage of the monitoring study conducted during the piloting of teaching and learning materials at the first (adaptive) cycle of basic education are offered to your attention. The study was carried out collaboratively by the SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics,” the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This research aligns with the Ministry of Education and Science’s Operational Plan for 2023 and is part of a nationwide innovative educational project titled “Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for secondary schools in the context of implementing the State standard of basic secondary education”.

The presented information and analytical materials summarize the results of the pilot testing process of educational and methodological support for the implementation of the new State standard of basic education, which is taking place in the extremely challenging conditions of martial law in 149 general secondary education institutions. These materials incorporate data from the survey results of participants in the pilot project, including coordinators of the New Ukrainian School (NUS), directors of pilot educational institutions, teachers of 6th pilot grades, and parents of 6th pilot grade students, conducted in June 2023. In total, the study involved 150 NUS coordinators (representing 46% of the planned sample size), 131 directors of general secondary education institutions (88%), 1097 teachers from 6th-grade pilot classes (45%), and 1630 parents of students in 6th-grade pilot classes (109%). The research results are presented in information and analytical materials on the following thematic blocks: educational and methodological support of the pilot project in the context of educational sectors; organizational aspects of implementing the pilot project and teachers’ needs; organization of the educational process, safe educational environment and psychological support in pilot educational institutions under martial law; teacher professional development and qualification enhancement; some features of assessing students’ learning outcomes in educational institutions piloting the new State standard; student learning outcomes in pilot classes; overall assessment of the pilot phase during the first (adaptive) cycle of basic secondary education (5-6 grades).

The study found that timely provision of teachers with educational materials (draft textbooks/manuals) during the school year is the most acute problem of the pilot project. In general, only 56% of educators reported receiving materials on time, and they were provided solely in electronic format. In addition, according to directors and teachers, the most significant needs for organizing the educational process under martial law are: uninterrupted internet access (42,8% of teachers and 36,3% of directors), access to electronic resources with didactic materials for students (38,3% and 29,8%, respectively), and a sufficiently powerful computer/tablet (30,7% and 39,5%). Only a quarter of directors and about a quarter of teachers indicated that they have everything they need to organize the educational process under martial law.

In general, the pilot participants positively assessed the course of the piloting processes in the first (adaptation) cycle of basic education. Nearly half or more of the respondents selected a rating of 8 or higher on a 10-point scale. However, this indicator should be interpreted cautiously, considering that the pilot project took place under critical wartime conditions starting in February 2022. In this context, the high scores should be regarded more as a subjective assessment by participants of their ability to find internal and external resources to continue their participation in the pilot project under challenging circumstances.








Information and analytical materials

“Monitoring study on the readiness of pedagogical staff for the implementation of the New Ukrainian School reform”

The informational and analytical materials present the findings of a monitoring study on the readiness of pedagogical staff for the implementation of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) reform. Conducted from May to June 2023, in alignment with the Operational Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2023 (item, this year’s monitoring observation represents the fifth stage in assessing the readiness of pedagogical staff for the NUS reform (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine letter dated July 24, 2018, No. 1/11-7795).

The research, carried out by the SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics” in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and with the technical support of the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine (SSEQ), targeted directors of general secondary education institutions and teachers of basic schools (grades 5-9). They participated in an online survey using the EvaluEd information and analytical system administered by the SSEQ, with 5,440 principals and 48,518 teachers taking part.

In the context of the study, issues related to the organization of educational activities in general secondary education institutions were investigated. This included various aspects such as the impact of the NUS reform on educational outcomes, the professional level of teachers and their professional development, teachers’ attitudes toward innovative processes in Ukrainian education, the needs and requests of directors and teachers for the successful implementation of the NUS reform; barrier-free access for students with special education needs; organization of nutrition; psychological support for participants in the educational process; availability of STEM laboratories in general secondary education institutions. Additionally, information was gathered regarding teachers’ attitudes toward continuing their professional activities.

As part of the preparation of analytical materials, indicators were identified to objectively assess the data obtained and characterize teachers’ readiness to implement the components of the NUS reform. The list of indicators includes the following: the share of teachers who do not plan to change their field of activity in the next two years, factors (rated) that encourage teachers to leave the teaching profession, distribution of teachers by their role in the educational process, rating of didactic approaches that teachers constantly use when teaching students, rating of approaches to student assessment that teachers use most often, share of general secondary education institutions providing education for students with special education needs (by specified items), rating of NUS innovations fully approved by teachers, rating of the most urgent needs that teachers need to implement the reform, etc.

The study, conducted with these indicators, provided reasonable and reliable results regarding the readiness of the pedagogical staff to implement the NUS reform, which can be verified across both previous and subsequent stages of monitoring research.




Analytical Report

 “Study on the organization of educational activities in pre-school education institutions under martial law”

This analytical report presents the results of a research study on the state of organisation of educational activities in pre-school educational institutions, conducted by SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics” in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and with the participation of the Recovery and Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with the Ministry’s Operational Plan for 2023. The purpose of the research was to study the peculiarities of the organisation of educational activities in pre-school educational institutions under martial law.

The survey was conducted in May-June 2023. The target population of the survey included directors (heads) of preschool educational institutions; teachers of junior, middle and senior preschool age groups (or multi-age groups); parents (or persons substituting them) of junior and middle group children; parents (or persons substituting them) of a group of senior preschool age children or multi-age group children. A total of 5,686 individuals participated in the study, including 658 directors (103% of the planned sample size) of preschool institutions, 1,195 educators (94%) and 3,833 parents of pupils (60%) from preschool institutions.

The report is structured around key thematic blocks, covering the organization of educational activities in pre-school education institutions in the 2022-2023 academic year; ensuring a safe environment, educational and methodological support, and continuity between preschool and primary education; organization of pre-school education for children with special educational needs; nutrition in pre-school education institutions; cooperation with parents; access to pre-school education for internal refugees; professional development; and general needs of pre-school education institutions.

Based on the research results, it has been determined that, overall, 83,2% of pre-school education institutions have shelters either directly within the institution or at a certain distance, with shelters arranged directly in 74,2% of the institutions. Approximately 17% of directors reported that there is no shelter. Over 90% of directors of pre-school education institutions where the educational process was conducted in the 2022-2023 academic year stated that their institution is fully staffed with teaching and technical personnel. More than half of the directors of pre-school education institutions reported that since the introduction of martial law, the number of children in the institution has decreased, and only 11,8% observed an increase in the number of pupils. Full conditions for the education of children with special educational needs are created in 21% of pre-school education institutions, and conditions are partially created in 75%. During the 2022-2023 academic year, 76,4% of pre-school education institutions provided meals to children, with 73,7% offering hot meals. According to the responses of school directors, the most pressing need to ensure the quality functioning of the pre-school education institution is the arrangement and furnishing of the educational environment (57,6%). Equipping shelters is also a significant need (42,8%). The creation of conditions for the education of children with special educational needs is a priority for 35,2% of the directors. One third of the institutions across the country need to update their canteen. In order to ensure a quality educational environment in the group, teachers of both full-time and mixed forms of education need computer equipment (78,2% and 77%, respectively).




Information and analytical materials

“Monitoring study on the promotion of meeting the educational needs of national minorities”

This report presents the findings of a monitoring study on promoting the educational needs of national minorities. The study was conducted from January to December 2023 in accordance with the Operational Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2023 (clause

The SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics” conducted the study in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

This year’s monitoring aims to identify and track trends in ensuring equal education rights for students from national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine. The statistical and analytical information obtained will enable us to respond promptly to the challenges associated with organizing educational activities for these categories of students and to adjust this process.

The study’s respondents included educator-methodologists, educators, and parents of senior preschool pupils in preschool institutions. Additionally, the study included deputy directors, class teachers of grades 1-11 (12), parents (or guardians) of pupils in general secondary education institutions, and persons responsible for organizing the education of national minorities at the preschool and general secondary education levels in regional departments (offices) of education and science. The survey was conducted in September 2023.

The study resulted in statistically validated data that can be used to update the strategy for organizing educational activities for children from national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine in educational institutions, according to their needs.

The study obtained data on:

– the state of organization of educational activities in the languages of national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine (languages of teaching and learning) in educational institutions using the indicators defined and formed by the researchers

– the level of provision of pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical staff of educational institutions teaching languages of national minorities and indigenous peoples or teaching subjects in languages of national minorities and indigenous peoples;

– the state of educational and methodological support for the process of teaching languages of national minorities and indigenous peoples or languages of national minorities and indigenous peoples in educational institutions;

– aspects of passing the External Independent Testing (EIT) by students from the category of national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine (choice of language of exams, results of EIT, NMT);

– the level of satisfaction of participants in the educational process with the organization of educational activities for students from the category of national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine in educational institutions;

– the problems faced by the organizers of educational activities in educational institutions for students from the category of national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine are identified and systematized;

– the needs of participants in the educational process for the quality organization of the educational process in educational institutions, taking into account the needs of students from the category of national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine, were identified.

As part of the preparation of this study, a list of indicators was developed to determine the state of meeting the educational needs of national minorities in educational institutions in the course of subsequent monitoring observations on this topic.

The prepared informational and analytical materials were sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for  use in their decision-making and work.