EMIS was developed for vocational education under the supervision of the Education and Youth Council of the Republic of Estonia (HARNO) within the framework of EU4Skills


The Government of Ukraine and the European Commission signed an agreement on December 17, 2018, regarding the funding of the project “EU4Skills: Better Skills for Modern Ukraine” (hereinafter referred to as the EU4Skills Program), which is partially implemented by HARNO (a government institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Estonia, which implements the state education and youth policy), the Education and Youth Council of the Republic of Estonia, in accordance with the Grant Agreement with Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). HARNO was responsible for implementing Component 2.8 of the EU4Skills project: “Support for the development of an educational management information system for vocational education and training (EMIS for the VET)”, hereinafter referred to as the VET module.

The main Ukrainian partners involved in the development of the VET module were the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU), the SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics” (SSI “IEA”), which is the technical administrator of the software and hardware complex “Automated Information Complex for Education Management” (SHC “AICEM”). The MESU owns the information in the SHC “AICEM” and is the beneficiary of the project.

Within the framework of the EU4Skills Program, HARNO conducted an audit of monitoring and data gathering for vocational and training education. The SHC “AICOM” was chosen for the deployment of the VET module, which is administered by the SSI “IEA”.

The HARNO expert team developed the concept of the VET module, which was approved by the MESU on March 17, 2021. The purpose of creating the VET, module in the SHC “AICOM” is to automate the processes of data gathering, verification, analysis, storage, distribution, and utilization of disaggregated data on qualitative and quantitative indicators of the Ukrainian VET system, particularly for decision-making purposes.

The development of the VET module was carried out in accordance with the agreed Technical Task.

The development of the educational management information system for the VET in Ukraine within the “EU4Skills” program took place within the Memorandum of Understanding between HARNO, the MESU, and the SSI “IEA”, signed on July 7, 2021. According to Section 2.2.7 of the Memorandum, the SSI “IEA” provided the necessary primary information and requirements for the development, operational implementation, and acceptance of work based on the results of creating the VET module as a subsystem of the SHC “AICOM”. According to Section 2.2.2 of the Memorandum, the winner of the international tender (“Krabu” Grupp company) developed the VET module in collaboration with the SSI “IEA” and HARNO. After the acceptance of the work by the MESU, the VET module was put into industrial operation in the environment of the SHC “AICOM”.

The Ukrainian side expresses its gratitude to Estonian colleagues and the EU4Skills team for their strong support, their deep level of professional competence, and their fruitful collaboration in the process of streamlining vocational education management.